Sharp Kid Photos

Monday, July 10, 2006

and now with liza

picture with me

this is aunt and uncles house

brown tiles

other apartments

this is my new phone. I Have new one because I thought I broke my other phone.

the back of my phone

plant in the window

this is liza aunt and uncles

wooden balcony

Sunday, July 09, 2006

metro card (the back of it )

a new book

blue mini van

the sky (its going to rain soon)

so much land


painting on a building

a big van

taking pictures with the ratcliffs

take #2

Thursday, July 06, 2006

the streets below

the end of the mall

this looks like a hand

red staircase

the markets

the grass and tree are as big as the ones krasnodar

the flowers are nice too

small malls

the apartments seem to go on forever

metro card

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

sorry I have been gone a week.I Have been enjoying our small summer break!

more and more apartments

the power plant is in the fare back

a goo grocery store

the cars are in a line

the apartment was on the 19th floor

the blue booth is not a telephone booth

this is a great mall

so many apartments and so much land left

M. video is a good store to go to